10 Food Rules for Eating Healthy Without Stress


Read 100 books on nutrition and healthy eating and you’ll read 100 different ways to eat. Each with their own set of intricate guidelines to follow.

But how many of those guidelines really make a difference?
In today’s episode, we share our basic rules for how to eat in a sustainable, healthy way… without all the complicated, stressful guidelines. These are the rules you can actually maintain for the long haul.
SPOILER: Counting calories or nutrients isn’t one of them.
Here’s what we talk about in this episode:
  • Whole foods. What does that even mean?
  • Why we don’t just eat “mostly” plants
  • What to eat for breakfast
  • The value of raw
  • Is variety that important?

Click Here to listen:  http://www.nomeatathlete.com/radio-199/




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