Is it Possible to be 100% Vegan?

It all started with a Facebook comment, where a non-vegan proudly proclaimed, “It’s impossible to be 100% vegan.”
My first thought was, “whatever, I’m 100% vegan!” But then it got me thinking.
Am I? Is Matt? Are you?
I subscribe to this label, but what does it even mean?
In today’s episode Matt and I break down that question. We start with the definition of veganism, then explore how realistic it is to follow a 100% vegan lifestyle. And finally, is that even important?

Here’s just some of what we talk about in this episode:

  • What does “vegan” even mean?
  • Ordering at non-vegan restaurants
  • My leather wallet (and other non-vegan clothing)
  • Representing the movement

31 Action-Focused Days to Take Charge of Your Life


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